/*! * jQuery.BgSwitcher * * @version 0.4.3 * @author rewish * @license MIT License (https://github.com/rewish/jquery-bgswitcher/blob/master/LICENSE.md) * @link https://github.com/rewish/jquery-bgswitcher */ (function($) { 'use strict'; var loadedImages = {}, slice = Array.prototype.slice, toString = Object.prototype.toString, corners = ['Top', 'Right', 'Bottom', 'Left'], backgroundProperties = [ 'Attachment', 'Color', 'Image', 'Repeat', 'Position', 'Size', 'Clip', 'Origin' ]; $.fn.bgswitcher = function() { var args = arguments, instanceKey = BgSwitcher.keys.instance; return this.each(function() { var instance = $.data(this, instanceKey); if (!instance) { instance = new BgSwitcher(this); $.data(this, instanceKey, instance); } instance.dispatch.apply(instance, args); }); }; // Backward Compatibility $.fn.bgSwitcher = $.fn.bgswitcher; /** * BgSwitcher * * @param {HTMLElement} el * @constructor */ function BgSwitcher(el) { this.$el = $(el); this.index = 0; this.config = $.extend({}, BgSwitcher.defaultConfig); this._setupBackgroundElement(); this._listenToResize(); } $.extend(BgSwitcher.prototype, { /** * Dispatch * * @param {string|Array} one */ dispatch: function(one) { switch (toString.call(one)) { case '[object Object]': this.setConfig(one); break; case '[object String]': this[one].apply(this, slice.call(arguments, 1)); break; default: throw new Error('Please specify a Object or String'); } }, /** * Set config * * @param {Object} config */ setConfig: function(config) { this.config = $.extend(this.config, config); if (typeof this.config.random !== 'undefined') { this.config.shuffle = this.config.random; } this.refresh(); }, /** * Set images * * @param {Array} images */ setImages: function(images) { this.imageList = new this.constructor.ImageList(images); if (this.config.shuffle) { this.imageList.shuffle(); } }, /** * Set switch handler * * @param {Function} fn */ setSwitchHandler: function(fn) { this.switchHandler = $.proxy(fn, this); }, /** * Default switch handler * * @param {string} type * @returns {Function} */ getBuiltInSwitchHandler: function(type) { return this.constructor.switchHandlers[type || this.config.effect]; }, /** * Refresh */ refresh: function() { this.setImages(this.config.images); this.setSwitchHandler(this.getBuiltInSwitchHandler()); this._prepareSwitching(); if (this.config.start) { this.start(); } }, /** * Start switching */ start: function() { if (!this._timerID) { this._timerID = setTimeout($.proxy(this, 'next'), this.config.interval); } }, /** * Stop switching */ stop: function() { if (this._timerID) { clearTimeout(this._timerID); this._timerID = null; } }, /** * Toggle between start/stop */ toggle: function() { if (this._timerID) { this.stop(); } else { this.start(); } }, /** * Reset switching */ reset: function() { this.index = 0; this._prepareSwitching(); }, /** * Go to next switching */ next: function() { var max = this.imageList.count(); if (!this.config.loop && this.index + 1 === max) { return; } if (++this.index === max) { this.index = 0; } this.switching(); }, /** * Go to previous switching */ prev: function() { if (!this.config.loop && this.index === 0) { return; } if (--this.index === -1) { this.index = this.imageList.count() - 1; } this.switching(); }, /** * Select the switching at index * * @param {number} index */ select: function(index) { if (index === -1) { index = this.imageList.count() - 1; } this.index = index; this.switching(); }, /** * Switching the background image */ switching: function() { var started = !!this._timerID; if (started) { this.stop(); } this._createSwitchableElement(); this._prepareSwitching(); this.switchHandler(this.$switchable); if (started) { this.start(); } }, /** * Destroy... */ destroy: function() { this.stop(); this._stopListeningToResize(); if (this.$switchable) { this.$switchable.stop(); this.$switchable.remove(); this.$switchable = null; } if (this.$bg) { this.$bg.remove(); this.$bg = null; } this.$el.removeAttr('style'); this.$el.removeData(this.constructor.keys.instance); this.$el = null; }, /** * Adjust rectangle */ _adjustRectangle: function() { var corner, i = 0, length = corners.length, offset = this.$el.position(), copiedStyles = { top: offset.top, left: offset.left, width: this.$el.innerWidth(), height: this.$el.innerHeight() }; for (; i < length; i++) { corner = corners[i]; copiedStyles['margin' + corner] = this.$el.css('margin' + corner); copiedStyles['border' + corner] = this.$el.css('border' + corner); } this.$bg.css(copiedStyles); }, /** * Setup background element */ _setupBackgroundElement: function() { this.$bg = $(document.createElement('div')); this.$bg.css({ position: 'absolute', zIndex: (parseInt(this.$el.css('zIndex'), 10) || 0) - 1, overflow: 'hidden' }); this._copyBackgroundStyles(); this._adjustRectangle(); if (this.$el[0].tagName === 'BODY') { this.$el.prepend(this.$bg); } else { this.$el.before(this.$bg); this.$el.css('background', 'none'); } this.$bg.css('background-size', 'cover'); }, /** * Create switchable element */ _createSwitchableElement: function() { if (this.$switchable) { this.$switchable.remove(); } this.$switchable = this.$bg.clone(); this.$switchable.css({top: 0, left: 0, margin: 0, border: 'none'}); this.$switchable.appendTo(this.$bg); }, /** * Copy background styles */ _copyBackgroundStyles: function () { var prop, copiedStyle = {}, i = 0, length = backgroundProperties.length, backgroundPosition = 'backgroundPosition'; for (; i < length; i++) { prop = 'background' + backgroundProperties[i]; copiedStyle[prop] = this.$el.css(prop); } // For IE<=9 if (copiedStyle[backgroundPosition] === undefined) { copiedStyle[backgroundPosition] = [ this.$el.css(backgroundPosition + 'X'), this.$el.css(backgroundPosition + 'Y') ].join(' '); } this.$bg.css(copiedStyle); }, /** * Listen to the resize event */ _listenToResize: function() { var that = this; this._resizeHandler = function() { that._adjustRectangle(); }; $(window).on('resize', this._resizeHandler); }, /** * Stop listening to the resize event */ _stopListeningToResize: function() { $(window).off('resize', this._resizeHandler); this._resizeHandler = null; }, /** * Prepare the Switching */ _prepareSwitching: function() { this.$bg.css('backgroundImage', this.imageList.url(this.index)); } }); /** * Data Keys * @type {Object} */ BgSwitcher.keys = { instance: 'bgSwitcher' }; /** * Default Config * @type {Object} */ BgSwitcher.defaultConfig = { images: [], interval: 5000, start: true, loop: true, shuffle: false, effect: 'fade', duration: 1000, easing: 'swing' }; /** * Built-In switch handlers (effects) * @type {Object} */ BgSwitcher.switchHandlers = { fade: function($el) { $el.animate({opacity: 0}, this.config.duration, this.config.easing); }, blind: function($el) { $el.animate({height: 0}, this.config.duration, this.config.easing); }, clip: function($el) { $el.animate({ top: parseInt($el.css('top'), 10) + $el.height() / 2, height: 0 }, this.config.duration, this.config.easing); }, slide: function($el) { $el.animate({top: -$el.height()}, this.config.duration, this.config.easing); }, drop: function($el) { $el.animate({ left: -$el.width(), opacity: 0 }, this.config.duration, this.config.easing); }, hide: function($el) { $el.hide(); } }; /** * Define effect * * @param {String} name * @param {Function} fn */ BgSwitcher.defineEffect = function(name, fn) { this.switchHandlers[name] = fn; }; /** * BgSwitcher.ImageList * * @param {Array} images * @constructor */ BgSwitcher.ImageList = function(images) { this.images = images; this.createImagesBySequence(); this.preload(); }; $.extend(BgSwitcher.ImageList.prototype, { /** * Images is sequenceable * * @returns {boolean} */ isSequenceable: function() { return typeof this.images[0] === 'string' && typeof this.images[1] === 'number' && typeof this.images[2] === 'number'; }, /** * Create an images by sequence */ createImagesBySequence: function() { if (!this.isSequenceable()) { return; } var images = [], base = this.images[0], min = this.images[1], max = this.images[2]; do { images.push(base.replace(/\.\w+$/, min + '$&')); } while (++min <= max); this.images = images; }, /** * Preload an images */ preload: function() { var path, length = this.images.length, i = 0; for (; i < length; i++) { path = this.images[i]; if (!loadedImages[path]) { loadedImages[path] = new Image(); loadedImages[path].src = path; } } }, /** * Shuffle an images */ shuffle: function() { var j, t, i = this.images.length, original = this.images.join(); if (!i) { return; } while (i) { j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i); t = this.images[--i]; this.images[i] = this.images[j]; this.images[j] = t; } if (this.images.join() === original) { this.shuffle(); } }, /** * Get the image from index * * @param {number} index * @returns {string} */ get: function(index) { return this.images[index]; }, /** * Get the URL with function of CSS * * @param {number} index * @returns {string} */ url: function(index) { return 'url(' + this.get(index) + ')'; }, /** * Count of images * * @returns {number} */ count: function() { return this.images.length; } }); $.BgSwitcher = BgSwitcher; }(jQuery));